
Green squadron star wars
Green squadron star wars

green squadron star wars

The team element is important, because Star Wars: Squadrons is first and foremost a PvP multiplayer game.

green squadron star wars

Becoming an ace starfighter pilot takes a lot of hard work, and while Squadrons doesn’t make you learn take-off and landing procedures, or how to dock with a space station, you do get a kind of Star Wars level of realism that’s focused on dropping you into intense dogfighting action on a team of five. It doesn’t have the immersive mundanities found in, say, Elite Dangerous, but it’s detailed enough to be rewardingly difficult to master. Like LucasArts’ old X-Wing and TIE Fighter games, Squadrons is a kind of fantasy flight simulator. That love shows in the fastidiously detailed cockpits for the classic Star Wars fighters – it’s the familiar, charming grubbiness of the original film trilogy, all designed to hold up well in VR. Star Wars: Squadrons is an unabashed throwback of a game, a passion project from developers at EA Motive who remember the Star Wars flight games of the ’90s with fondness. Red and green turbolaser blasts rake across the blackness of space as I bank around an outlying shipyard structure, finding my home star destroyer taking repeated barrages of enemy fire.

green squadron star wars

As I boost away from the asteroid and back toward the fray, a haunting thought arrives unbidden: But I thought you didn’t care about Star Wars anymore.Ĭlearly, this is nothing but the evil seduction of the Dark Side, because it obviously isn’t true – not now, in the midst of one of Star Wars: Squadrons‘ signature Fleet Battles, in which I’m cast as a starfighter pilot on the front lines of a zero-gravity skirmish between two massive battle cruisers.

green squadron star wars

I’ve taken a bit of a beating on my assault run on a New Republic frigate, and have just now narrowly shaken a homing missile. As I pull out of a tight turn that brushes the carved stone surface of an asteroid dockyard, I gun the engines of my TIE Interceptor, flipping through enemy radar signatures to find that one incessant X-Wing pilot who’s been on my tail since the battle began.

Green squadron star wars